Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Making Money Online Scams

Surface Encounters

Dallas Cowboys' Dez Bryant faces 2nd lawsuit, for $615K

Cowboys receiver Dez Bryant faces a second lawsuit claiming he didn't pay for jewelry and game tickets and didn't repay loans.

Surface Encounters

Head lice trigger body lice epidemics, study finds – National <b>...</b>

... (CNRS/IRD/Université de la Méditerranée), in collaboration with researchers from the Universities of Florida and Illinois” in the U.S., says a news statement released by the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). ...

Surface Encounters

Small Business <b>News</b>: Social Media Brand

What is your social media brand? Do you have one? Sure, many small business owners and entrepreneurs are coming around to the enormous importance of social.

Surface Encounters

With the company’s future already clouded by Steve Jobs’ latest medical leave, the possibility of the iPad’s chief designer, Jonathan Ive, cashing out ups the uncertainty, Dan Lyons writes.

Is Apple losing its design guru?

When Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced in January that he would take a third medical leave, the biggest concern was the cloud of uncertainty that hovered over the company. Now that uncertainty has become an issue again, as rumors have started swirling that Apple might lose its chief designer, Jonathan Ive. 

Apple's head designer Jonathan Ive poses for a portrait on January 27, 2010 in Cupertino, California. (Photo by Paul Harris / Newscom)

Reports in Ive’s native England suggest that the man who oversaw the design of the iPhone and iPad wants to spend more time in the U.K., putting him at odds with Apple’s board enough that he would consider leaving the company. Although Ive and Apple won’t comment, the scenario is plausible for two reasons: First, Ive is about to cash in options valued at $30 million that he was granted in 2008; and second, Ive has an especially close relationship with Jobs. 

Whether Ive stays or goes, the brouhaha shows the challenges that Apple is increasingly likely to face given the questions about Jobs’ role in the coming months. One scenario being bandied about by Apple-watchers suggests Ive is making a power play to succeed Jobs; it seems just as likely, however, that he simply may not want to work at Apple if Jobs isn’t there. 

Still others think the entire notion that Ive might leave is completely unfounded. But either way, the whole incident shows how the Jobs health situation is bringing more drama to a company that, until now, has been a model of tight-lipped discipline.

Apple’s products are famous for their sleek designs, and conventional wisdom holds that losing Ive would be a terrible blow to Apple—“Apple’s worst nightmare,” Britain’s Guardian called it. But the truth is, losing Ive may not be as big a deal as some Apple watchers think.

For one thing, Apple has loads of bench strength in every department, and because of its success it can attract just about anyone it wants.

“How much of this is Steve, how much is Jon, how much someone else? Steve always had an eye for design. The designer is only as good as the client,” says Jean-Louis Gassée.

For another, the real genius behind Apple’s designs might not be Ive—but rather Jobs.

That’s the educated guess of Jean-Louis Gassée, a former top executive at Apple and a longtime close watcher of the company who still has many connections there.

Gassée points out that Ive was already working at Apple when Jobs returned to the company in 1996. Ive joined the company in 1992, when Jobs was gone from the company, having been ousted by the board in 1985.

And before Jobs returned to Apple, Ive wasn’t exactly setting the world on fire. The first products that Ive designed under Jobs were the “Bondi Blue” iMac and the somewhat ugly iBook. Ive’s next products, the "desk lamp" Mac and the early metal laptops, were better looking, Gassée says.

Apple advertises its products as magical. They’re at the intersection of “technology and the liberal arts,” Steve Jobs said today. Something that moves your heart, not just your lust for technology. Will consumers still buy that in 2011?

The big picture question of the day is whether Apple has done it again. With the original iPad, Apple crushed its rivals, taking more than 90 percent of the tablet market in 2010 and selling more than 15 million units. Jobs predicted today that 2011 will be the year of the iPad 2. Based on what I have seen today, I think he’s mostly, but not entirely, right.

Competitors will discover that Apple has a lot of inherent financial advantages, including being a low-cost leader. That may not sound intuitive, but I believe it has to be true. It is selling so much volume of its products that it can get discounts on parts and manufacturing services that no one else can get.

When it sells its products in stores, it also doesn’t have to give away 20 percent of the margin to a retailer. That is a huge financial advantage. Carriers are also willing to subsidize the costs of Apple products in a way that they won’t with other tablet vendors. All of these things may explain why the Motorola Xoom, a very cool product, is selling for $800 while Apple has priced its new devices at $499 to $829, (and dropped the price of the old iPad to $399). Apple has also left very little room for rivals here, since it has signed up both AT&T and Verizon. Perhaps there is room for rivals to sell $199 machines, but users probably aren’t going to like them.

Those are reasons why any cool Apple mobile product could beat other rivals. But Apple has also done some smart things with the iPad 2. It has created another rev of its microprocessor, the A5, which has two cores, or computing brains. And it has nine times faster graphics than its old A4 chip. Since Apple designs this chip itself, it doesn’t have to give away much margin to a chip design firm. It only has to give a small margin to a chip manufacturer such as Samsung to make the chips.

Apple has also custom-designed the A5 to run Apple applications on a device with a 10-hour battery life. Apple should have an edge there, as it won’t sell the A5 to rivals. But if this is an advantage, it isn’t likely to last long, as Nvidia is being very aggressive with a new quad-core chip that it could sell to any Android rivals.

The design of the iPad 2 is where Apple has more advantages. The iPad 2 will have faster web-browsing with a new version of Safari. It has two cameras that will inspire a lot of video and photo-related apps. The availability of the Mac applications — iMovie, Garage Band, and Photo Booth — on the iPad 2 will make a lot of users happy. More interesting features will come with new releases of the iOS, or Apple’s operating system in the fairly near future.

There are some users who won’t like the restrictions of Apple’s ecosystem. If they want universal serial bus (USB) and SD card ports, they are out of luck. Apple didn’t change the resolution of its screen either, leaving it at 1024 x 768. Competitors could add these options and put emphasis on them as selling points. (Critics are disappointed that Apple did not improve the display, but that’s a big cost issue others have too).

Apple has also made great improvements in the feel of the product. It’s 33 percent thinner, 2 ounces lighter, and it has a wonderful new screen cover that doubles as a stand for the device. (It wakes up the device when you peel it back and it has micro-fibers that clean the screen when the cover is on).

Now here is why Jobs is not entirely right. Apple has come up with a stunning machine at prices that the competitors will have a hard time beating. But it is almost inevitable that Android-based tablets will gain market share on Apple.

So far, I don’t see the Android machine that will beat the iPad 2. But the potential is there, given ingredients such as Android 3.0, Nvidia Tegra 2 chips and other fast microprocessors, and 4G LTE. The latter is the main weakness in Apple’s armor.

LTE is fast, with a minimum speed on Verizon at around 12 megabits a second and actual speeds running much higher than that now. Getting access to 4G LTE is as big a benefit as having access to lots of cool apps, from my point of view. Right now, the timing of the still-young LTE technology means that Apple cannot yet put it into its mass-produced, lowest-cost tablet computers.

If LTE costs come down sometime soon, then Apple can launch a new version of the iPad to incorporate the technology. But it’s not a simple upgrade, as it means that the hardware of the machine — including the radio chip — has to change. And for now, LTE chips are larger than their 3G equivalents, so the heat dissipation and product size are affected. In other words, LTE can force Apple to redesign the iPad.

Apple can do that. But Android tablet makers might be able to move faster than Apple directly into the 4G LTE tablet market. If they do that, then they will have found a scenario where they could steal a march on Apple. Apple is not likely to let that gap last for a long time, but it might be enough for Apple to lose some share this year.

Apple’s leadership position in this market will be hard to beat, but the collective weight and reach of Android rivals could erode it. And here’s a sobering thought: If Apple eventually winds up with only 30 percent of the tablet market, it could still be No. 1, and its place as the largest technology company in the world will not be at risk.

Check out Apple’s overview video on the iPad 2 and Jobs’ comments on technology and the liberal arts below.

Next Story: Loot Drop banks on talented game designers as it takes on social gaming’s giants (exclusive) Previous Story: Electric car startups to square off against Big Auto competition

Surface Encounters

Surface Encounters

It looks like women have caught up with men in numbers in the workplace. For the first time in history, women in the USA now outnumber men in the workforce, and there are now more women in supervisory positions than there are males. The question is whether they will handle the downside of working any better than men.

According to an article by Ella L. J. Edmondson Bell, Ph.D., titled The 21st Century Workplace -- Are Women the New Men?, the economic downturn has hit men harder. They held nearly 80 percent of jobs that have been lost during what is now being called the "mancession." Will women now inherit the stress, pressure, exhaustion, burn out and heart attacks commonly associated with male leaders in business?

Some predict that this new female-dominated workplace will mean a softening of the corporate culture, with more benevolent leaders. Others foresee just the opposite. Ella says many women don't want to be seen as "soft" -- and others simply aren't. No one would call Carly Fiorina, the head of Hewlett Packard from 1999 to 2005, a wilting lily. According to her memoir, Tough Choices, she was sometimes referred to as Chainsaw Carly.

All of this is especially relevant on the entrepreneurial side, since statistics show that women are starting businesses at more than twice the rate of their male counterparts. Some would argue that the growing success rate of women entrepreneurs shows that they are resourceful, and better able to succeed, despite the odds.

While I'm sure we will continue to see progress on the female side, I predict that they will struggle with the same major challenges faced today by men. These include:

  1. Funding your dream. Raising money is hard, whether you are counting on friends, investors, or banks. I rarely see women at angel investment groups, either asking for money, or offering to fund new ventures. Men seem more focused on this one.

  2. Need for increased confidence and mindset skills. Many women and men are paralyzed by perfection, plagued by pessimism, and the need to satisfy others, rather than themselves. We need more women leaders.

  3. Motivation to succeed. Every entrepreneur needs to love what they do, and believe so strongly in their product or service that they can weather the tough times. On this one, it's easy to spot the ones with passion, from either gender.

  4. Manage time and priorities. Women, often more than men, try to do too much. It's hard to balance the continual demands of the business, personal relationships, and home life. Every entrepreneur needs to prioritize the important tasks ahead of urgent tasks.

  5. Never stop learning. After you start your business, the learning really begins. True entrepreneurs look at failures as their best learning experiences. Networking, and using your network is the next most important element of learning.

I don't see any challenges which are so gender specific that they can't be overcome by any entrepreneur. Yet I don't think women should be convinced that the battle for equality is almost over. There is still the question of why there are so few women in high places, and why the average income for women in business is about 68% of men's income.

What I am hoping is that women will not just be the new men, and suffer from the same maladies and limitations. I'll be looking for women to create the "new business culture" that every worker wants -- better role definitions, more effective and productive leadership, and better work-life balance. That would make women entrepreneurs the new women, rather than the new men!

The Found Animals Foundation is an LA-based non-profit devoted to saving the lives of animals and solving the problem of animal overpopulation. Founded by Dr. Gary Michelson, a billionaire entrepreneur with a lifelong love of animals, Found Animals blends compassion with innovation and business sense. The organization does everything from working with local shelters to finding homes for strays to offering multi-million dollar incentives for research on animal sterilization.

The foundation will be opening its first ever "Adopt and Shop" retail space next month, so we caught up with Aimee Gilbreath, Executive Director of Found Animals, to find out a little bit more about the foundation, its goals, and LA's newest "pet shop."

HP: What is Found Animals most committed to?

AG: Our mission at Found Animals is to minimize the number of pets killed in animal shelters. We believe that our society, in the 21st century, can do far better than killing 4 million animals each year at a cost to taxpayers of over $2 billion annually. We look for innovative, entrepreneurial approaches to solving this problem. Over the past three years we have built a world class team of business and science professionals and launched programs that include sterilization, microchipping, owner support, adoption and more. Found Animals considers Los Angeles our test market for programs with plans to export successful ideas.

HP: What is the one thing you are most proud of that Found Animals has been able to accomplish?

AG: I’m most proud of our accomplishments with the Michelson Prize and Grant program. It’s our own version of the X-Prize and offers $25 million in prize money for creating a low cost non-surgical sterilant for use in cats and dogs. In addition, we are offering up to $50 million in grant funding to help researchers develop a prize winning technology. Sterilization is one of the best tools we have in our arsenal to reduce the number of unwanted pets that crowd the shelter system and overwhelm available resources. Unfortunately, current surgical spay/neuter approaches are expensive and often difficult to access for the pets and people who need them most. A “doggie Depo Provera” or “Kitty Norplant” type of product would revolutionize how we manage the pet population.

We created the program from scratch and its world class. Our Director of Scientific Research, Dr. Shirley Johnston, is world renowned in small animal reproduction and our Scientific Advisory Board is comprised of experts in many fields. Our program staff has created a fantastic grant process and we do outreach to scientists worldwide. So far we’ve received over 140 grant applications and a dozen projects have been approved for funding totaling over $5 million.

Surface Encounters

The Funniest Fox <b>News</b> FAILS (PICTURES)

News bloopers are some of the best ones, especially when the flub involves a hilariously erroneous chyron or graphic. Fox News has had some of the funniest FAILS the Internet was able to capture, and we've corralled all the best ones ...

Surface Encounters

Surface Encounters

Surface Encounters

Head lice trigger body lice epidemics, study finds – National <b>...</b>

... (CNRS/IRD/Université de la Méditerranée), in collaboration with researchers from the Universities of Florida and Illinois” in the U.S., says a news statement released by the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). ...

Surface Encounters

Monday, March 28, 2011

Making Money Jobs

See if this sounds familiar. Get elected by promising jobs. But once in office push through tax cuts for the wealthy and their corporate masks, and cut jobs. Then use the resulting budget deficits and jobs crisis to whip up pubic panic. Finally, use that panic to push through "solutions" that have little to do with jobs or budgets and everything to do with consolidating wealth and power. How often to you see that formula played out?

Promise Jobs

In 2010, Republicans around the country were elected after running hundreds of millions of dollars in ads (paid for largely by billionaires and big corporations) promising jobs (and promising to protect entitlements.) They promised this because poll after poll after poll shows that the public wants the government to focus on jobs and protect the things government does for We, the People.

But Once IN Office

But now in office they are cutting jobs, gutting the things government does for We, the People and saying "So Be It" when confronted on the gap between campaign promises and action in office. They said what they needed to say to get power, and they are using that power to consolidate power, gut government and pass ever more money and power to the top.

Wisconsin Laying Off

Wisconsin is showing us how it works. In Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker pushed through $117 million in business tax cuts. Then he pushed through a law requiring a two-thirds majority to raise taxes, removing that as a way to fix the resulting deficits. And finally, the run for the goalposts: get rid of unions, gut government, destroy public schools, and push through the rest of the corporate-right agenda.

The Governor is killing jobs and public schools, laying off thousands of teachers and state workers and dramatically cutting the school budget. The unions have conceded to every wage and pension cut, but this is not remotely what the Governor wants. It is not about budgets, budgets are the mask. He wants the unions and public schools destroyed, and the price of defiance is thousands and thousands of jobs.

Not About Budget Or Jobs

LA Times, Limiting unions just part of Wisconsin governor's agenda,

"What you've got is a governor who's come in with a great appetite for achieving his ends," said Norman J. Ornstein, a scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. "This is far more about power than it is about money."

... he also signed a law protecting businesses from liability in lawsuits. The only business group he battled with was the Democratic-leaning green energy industry, when he proposed increasing regulations on the placement of wind farms.

Other States And Nationally

This isn't just happening in Wisconsin, it is part of an orchestrated campaign in several states as well as at the federal level to panic voters about budget shortfalls with the goal of implementing corporate/conservative "solutions." This week in the story For right, Wisconsin battle was years in making, Politico examined how the billionaire Koch brothers and others have waged a campaign to convince voters that public employees, their pensions and their unions are responsible for state budget deficit, leading up to efforts like the ones in Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio and other states to get rid of public employee unions. From the Politico story,

The conservative assault on public sector unions that seemed to explode out of nowhere in Wisconsin and spread across the Midwest was in fact months – if not years – in the making, the result of methodical polling, lobbying, messaging, grassroots organizing and policy crafting by a coterie of well-funded conservative groups.

The corporate/billionaire PR machine may have whipped up media stories about pensions, but the public isn't buying it.

Poll After Poll

Poll after poll after poll show the public wants the government to focus on jobs, not on cuts. It is very, very clear. And economist after economist agrees. And then even more polls and more economists.

NBC/WSJ poll: 37% want job creation, 22% want cuts. But among those "they are adamantly opposed to cuts in Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security and K-12 education."

Most popular deficit solution? "...placing a surtax on federal income taxes for those who make more than $1 million per year (81 percent said that was acceptable)."

NYTimes/CBS Poll: "Those surveyed said they opposed, 56 percent to 37 percent, cutting the pay or benefits of public employees to reduce deficits."

Most popular deficit solution? "Asked how they would choose to reduce their state’s deficits, those polled preferred tax increases over benefit cuts for state workers by nearly two to one."

Trumka On Worker Rights And Pensions

Here is AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka talking about Wisconsin and public employees:

Watch the full episode. See more PBS NewsHour.

Teacher Pay vs Wall Street Pay

Please watch this Daily Show segment on teacher pay vs Wall Street pay:

It's a serious question. Just how fucking stupid are we, anyway?

The Republicans tell us that failing to extend the Bush tax cuts for the upper 2% of the wealthiest of the wealthy is a BAD thing, even though conservative estimates say such a move would slice $750 BILLION off the deficit over the next 10 years. What's our response as a nation?

1. Are you being stupid? We're talking about $750 billion off the deficit! So some billionaire can't buy a second yacht for his mistress. $750 billion! Off the deficit! Over 10 years!

Or do we say...

2. Duh. You is right Mr. Republikin. Them billyunares worked REEEL hard to inherit those munnys and it would be BAD to make them pay more taxes cuz taxes is BAD!

The answer, of course, is #2. We voted in a Republican majority to the House of Representatives that killed any chance of making the wealthiest of the wealthy pay their fair share. In the meantime, the middle class pays more.

The Republicans tell us that we can't afford Medicare, Social Security, Health Care and all the stuff we count on because the deficit is too big. Because they'd have to raise taxes. And taxes are bad. What is our response?

1. Don't be an idiot! First of all, if we tell Mr. Gottrocks that his mistresses don't need ermine stoles for each day of the week, they can afford to pay the same tax rates they paid in the 1990s, which happened to be the most prosperous era in our recent history.

Or do we say...

2. Duh. Rite again, Mr. Republikin! Them dark peeples is on welfare too much and won't get jobs because of ACORN and Bill Ayres, so it am GOOD that you have to cut Social Security and Medicare and Health Care as long as you leave my shit alone.

The answer again? #2. Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity TELL us that, somehow, if you make the rich pay more taxes, that means those DARKIES will sit back with their bare feet up on their cotton bales, playing their harmonicas and looking at our white women with lust in their eyes. And we can't have THAT, now can we?

Continued on the next page

bench craft company reviews

American Apparel “Shake Down” Continues: Internet Smear Campaign <b>...</b>

According to the Daily News, Irene Morales' suit says that Charney “forced her to go down on her knees just inside the front door and perform fellatio upon him,” and “[s]he was then, to all intents and purposes, held prisoner in the ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Creative Marketing Secrets

Marketing for your small business can be part art/part science. But however you would describe it, it is the key to both getting new customers and keeping the.

Antique Gold Chain Worth $250000 Found Off Florida - AOL <b>News</b>

Bill Burt, a diver searching for the wreckage of the Spanish ship Nuestra Senora de Atocha, finds a 17th century chain worth $250000 on the ocean floor.

Search engine optimization Vancouver For A Better Marketing Solution


When you start your own website there are lots of ways you'll have to sell it off and one the best way is by using SEO services Vancouver if you happen to maintain that area. The SEO or seo services would be the top method of getting more traffic to your site and therefore making more sales.


Now, you need to know that you won't use SEO service if you're not an internet business - but then again, if you do not come with an online presence if you are a offline business, then you will not allow it to be very far.


It is a popular proven fact that if you are going to really make it within the offline world you must have an online business. This really is something that all people are learning hard way. Something that you ought to also know is that it's not as simple as just setting up the web site and leaving it to complete its things.


You can do this in all sorts of ways, however these companies usually take advantage of multiple methods to create an ideal marketing technique online. You will be able to hire these phones write articles for you personally, post on forums and blogs, create meta data and meta descriptions, clean up the code, add alt tags towards the images and much more.


It is very important that you do this because otherwise the company you have worked so hard for could end up losing all the money. If you have a website you want to create, then you'll also employ the services of an SEO company, which stands for seo company. What this company does is basically take the best areas of your website, look into the code, create keywords and write various articles and documents to ensure that your site is placed close to the the surface of the list for that major search engines.

SEO favicon by tschooduck

By doing this the Search engine optimization company cannot only increase your traffic, but additionally make sure that your site is fully optimized for that search engine spiders that will be brought to it. These spiders are used to analyze your website and put it in a few positions determined on certain keywords.


If you wish to make use of the SEO services Vancouver then all you have to do is find the top companies. It is through these that the SEO gets done effectively and efficiently. Because of so many SEO companies to choose from you need to be sure that the one you're going for is reliable. You should be in a position to ask for a failure of what you need, and the company also needs to have the ability to tell you know long they have been operating for. This will narrow down their email list to reveal the very best ones.


Search engine optimization Offered by Different Vancouver Web Companies

The Vancouver SEO company services are extremely good for business growth as they provide quality services. If you're planning to create a website for the online business, then you've arrived at right article as I is going to be explaining below how Search engine optimization Vancouver company services can improve your website ranking and make it popular.

Search Engine Optimization - An OverviewSlide1 by doggy00123

Before that, you should know what Seo is. It's not that complicated and I'm sure you're going to get a grasp from it reading my article. The main goal of SEO is to get more traffic to your website and target audience. It's a good decision to choose a Vancouver SEO company that are experts in this kind of work, so that your website could be listed in search engines.

There isn't any point in you using a website without any website ranking at all as you won't get any business and profits to outlive. It's a very tough atmosphere out there as there are a lot of online business people exactly like you, who desire their share of pie. You must be familiar with the fact that nearly 85% of world wide web traffic could be got from internet websites.

Whenever a user types inside a keyword or keywords for which he/she wants to know in different sites, these use crawlers to get web-sites with the relevant content and index them according to algorithms. You don't have to be worried about the algorithms which these websites use as that is not important.

To appear within the first page of the search result, you will have to hire professionals and experts who can perform the needful to maintain your website among the good books during these websites. These professionals can optimize your site content to ensure that your website gets more traffic.

When the traffic gets high, it is a sign that you're getting a service which will get you more revenues. SEO Vancouver company do the following to make your site appear within the first page of search results.

Use keywords which are popularly used on search engines on your website content.
Possess a website design for your website which is simple because top sites are allergic to flash and weird designs.
Submit your site to directories.
Submit your website to directory websites.
Postings on blogs and forums with back-links for your websites. This is considered as an effective way to get increased traffic aimed at your website as numerous online users use blogs and forums.

SEO Vancouver company also perform site diagnostics which is an important part in online optimization as research and analysis on finding keywords may be the way to start a SEO campaign. So, be sure you choose the best SEO Vancouver service company.

Are you searching for more information regarding SEO Vancouver? Visit http://www.seo4vancouver.com/seo-services.asp today!


What to Expect Whenever Hiring a Roofers

When it comes time to correct or substitute your roof, it can be a challenging task to locate somebody that is actually competent for the job. There are lots of roofers available, but the ones who will do a great job for a sensible cost are not often easy to find. If you're in the marketplace for the service provider, use the ideas below for interviewing as well as employing the right one.

Job interview as well as Discussion

body language in job interview by voguemarie2010

Most roofers provide totally free consultation services. This is especially important, because it gives them a chance to evaluate what your roof needs, and it gives you an opportunity to assess all of them. As with all of businesses, trust your intuition concerning the individuals you allow upward on your roof. No matter how great a contractor's status or recommendation, he ought to begin by presenting a person with a company greeting card. If the contractor arrives searching as well as speaking in an unprofessional manner, most likely the job he's going to do may also be unprofessional. This is not to say that you ought to expect companies to reach within suits. They is going to be hiking on your roofing, therefore the majority of is going to be dressed in jeans as well as function boots or even athletic shoes. If the actual service provider seems to be interested in talking upon their cell phone while on your homes roof than he is in analyzing your roof's needs, that may be an additional sign that he's not really the one to do the job. For the legal safety, be certain that the service provider has adequate liability insurance coverage.

Roof Assessment

roof garden 1 by Camra_ Art / Ellen Gardner

Expect that the service provider will be rising in your roof. Actually, any service provider who not need to increase on your roofing to evaluate the problem ought to be immediately reduced. Those who are seriously interested in their work will possibly make a drawing of the roof's surface area as well as tag trouble spots on it because they undergo their assessment, or even they'll take pictures or video clip from the surface area while they're available online for. This is a very important action, since it enables you to see just what the troubles are as well as know how they'll be fixed.


Tehran Panorama from Jamshidieh (19500x1600) by Hamed Saber

The next phase will be the created estimate. The contractor will take out their loan calculator and come track of a written estimate. Some companies will go to their vehicle or truck and write down the actual suggestion, while others may crisis the numbers for the job in front of you. Once you're given the proposal, make sure that you understand which products will be utilized, just how long the task will take and when there are any extra or concealed expenses that may arise during the restore from the roof. The service provider should be able to answer all of these questions effortlessly as well as forewarn you associated with a extra expenses that could be sustained if the roof's integrity be broken within.

Once you have received a few created estimations from roofers, assess what each organization or even contractor would like to provide for that cost. Do not always discount the highest bid, simply because occasionally the greatest bet will in reality be the service provider who does the job properly. Also, be skeptical associated with bids which are significantly less than other people. They might be utilizing substandard items or be untruthful about the chance of hidden costs. Most importantly, believe in intuition as well as go with the actual service provider that makes you feel most comfortable about handing more than your money.


Seven Uyghurs Sentenced to Death


Critics of the sentences say China has politicized the robberies as acts of terrorism.



A Uyghur man walks past armed Chinese security forces in Urumqi, July 17, 2009.

Chinese authorities in the northwestern region of Xinjiang have ordered the executions of seven ethnic minority Uyghur men convicted of "violent" crimes, official media said on Wednesday.


The death sentences were handed down by the Supreme People's Court in recent days, according to state media in the regional capital, Urumqi.


The men were accused in connection with three separate attacks late last year in the Silk Road city of Kashgar, according to the news website Urumqi Online.


According to another website, the Xinjiang-based Tianshan news site, Aimaiti Tuheti, Yiming Dawuti, and unnamed "others" killed a security guard at a pedestrian mall as part of a failed Aug. 7 robbery attempt.


In a separate incident on Oct. 12, it said, Nuermaimaiti Aobulikasimu and 11 others broke into a house, bound and killed the couple living in it, and took their possessions.


It said the group also broke into the homes of two brothers, robbed them, and killed six people in a Nov. 11 attack in Kashgar.


The report gave no information about the victims or the schedule for the executions.


Three of the men were sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve, a sentence that is normally commuted to life imprisonment in China's judicial system.


They were convicted of deliberate homicide and armed robbery by the Kashgar Intermediate People's Court in the first instance.


'Strike hard' campaign


A Han Chinese resident of Urumqi surnamed Yang said a reference to "terrorism" in official news reports on the case showed that it was being politicized by the authorities, who have launched a series of "strike hard" campaigns in Xinjiang following deadly ethnic violence in July 2009.


"There is an implied political meaning; that they were somehow engaged in separatist activities or ethnic divisions," said Yang.


Exile Uyghur groups said the trials had been conducted behind closed doors, with scant opportunity for public scrutiny.


"The entire process against these men, from the trial through to the judgment, was opaque," said Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the Munich-based World Uyghur Congress.


"There was also very little reasonable evidence to convict them on a legal basis, because all the evidence came from one side of the case," he said.


"We strongly condemn the Chinese government for continuing to pursue their policies of ethnic division," said Raxit.


"We are also strongly opposed to the death penalty in this case."


Earlier cases


Last month, the Supreme Court sentenced four Uyghurs to death for alleged involvement in an Aug. 19 bomb attack in Xinjiang’s western Aksu city.


The World Uyghur Congress pointed to concerns over lack of transparency in those cases too.


The Aksu blast left eight people dead, including two of the bombers, and 15 wounded after a man riding a three-wheeled vehicle threw explosives at a group of uniformed patrolmen. Four Uyghurs were arrested shortly after the attack.


State media characterized the cases as acts of terrorism and unrelated to longstanding ethnic tensions between Uyghurs and Han Chinese in the region.


Exiled Uyghur dissident Rebiya Kadeer has warned that attacks like those in Aksu will continue to occur until Beijing addresses the underlying source of tension in the region.


Millions of Uyghurs—a distinct, Turkic minority who are predominantly Muslim—populate Central Asia and Xinjiang.


Uyghurs say they have long suffered ethnic discrimination, oppressive religious controls, and continued poverty and joblessness despite China's ambitious plans to develop its vast northwestern frontier.


Those frustrations erupted in July 2009 in deadly riots that left nearly 200 people dead, by the Chinese government's tally.


At least 26 people, mostly Uyghurs, were sentenced to death in the aftermath of the riots, many of whom have been executed, according to state media.


China is believed to execute more people each year than the rest of the world’s countries combined, although the government does not publish official figures.


Rights groups say Beijing may execute as many as several thousand prisoners annually.


Chinese authorities blame Uyghur separatists for a series of deadly attacks in recent years and accuse one group in particular of maintaining ties to the al-Qaeda terrorist network.


New training scheme


China on Wednesday also announced a training scheme which places ethnic minority graduates from Xinjiang in work elsewhere in China.


Governments of the destination cities will spend 450 million yuan (U.S.$ 69 million) for the program, while Xinjiang will spend 400 million yuan (U.S.$ 61 million), the official Xinhua news agency reported.


The program targets some 60,000 jobless college graduates in Xinjiang, around 80 percent of whom are from ethnic minorities, and 60 percent of whom are women.


However, some commentators see the move as an attempt to assimilate non-Han Chinese into mainstream Chinese culture.


"From the point of view of ethnic minorities, the graduate work scheme is really taking the cream of youth from the minorities and using them to 'further cultural development,'" wrote one ethnic minority user on a popular microblogging service.


"In fact, the culture that is being advanced is Han culture, and this group of young people will have been totally brainwashed," the microblog update said.


An Urumqi resident surnamed Li agreed.


"They have run senior high school schemes like this before during the past few years," he said.


"Whether it's high-schoolers or graduate training programs, these are measures that are aimed at thought control and brainwashing, and the 'Partification' of their education," he said.


Reported by Qiao Long for RFA's Mandarin service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie.

Copyright © 1998-2011 Radio Free Asia. All rights reserved.


Wikileaks and also the Uyghurs

by holly upon Dec 20, This year
Henryk Szadziewski, Manager, Uyghur Human Rights Project

Whether it had been actually in doubt, info acquired through the whistleblower website, Wikileaks, offers confirmed Chinese language government worries over it's ongoing charge of the region this phone calls Xinjiang, which is also known as Eastern Turkestan. The leaked cables through U.Utes. diplomats show the extent to which Chinese language authorities make an effort to persuade government authorities worldwide to adopt its position on problems impacting Uyghurs. The actual wires additionally show the U . s . States' issues and views regarding the on going repressive measures in the region.

uyghur by sarvaz

The majority of illuminating associated with Chinese language government stress are the wires pointing to Chinese language frustration, or even the specter associated with Chinese language ire, within the release of Uyghur detainees within Guantánamo to third countries. The Dec 29, 08 cable relates exactly how Chinese Helper International Minister Liu Jieyi met using the U.Utes. Ambassador in order to The far east in order to voice Beijing's powerful opposition associated with release in order to any kind of nation apart from The far east, and that when the Ough.S. did indeed accede for this ask for it would "avoid harm to bilateral relations and to co-operation ‘in important areas'". Furthermore, the February 2009 cable explains how the Chinese language Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, Zhang Yannian, regarded as the possible release of Uyghur Guantánamo detainees as "an unfavorable act toward us" and a "slap in the face". The U.S. federal government stood firm in not really releasing the detainees in order to The far east demonstrates the actual extent of the politicized nature from the Chinese language judicial program. Legitimate concerns over terrorism tend to be understandable, but in the actual U.Utes. government's observe the detainees might probably face do-it-yourself torture and delivery when they came back in order to China

Chinese federal government stress in regard to the actual Uyghur Guantánamo detainees wasn't just put on the Ough.Utes. federal government, but also in order to Brand new Zealand and a handful of European government authorities that were considering resettlement. Albania, Indonesia as well as Finland, in addition to Eu fellow member states all appear to have borne the actual brunt of Chinese government unhappiness. Regarding Indonesia, that was initially willing to consider 2 Uyghurs upon purely relief grounds, Uyghur Guantánamo cases had been much less better than other detainees due to the unwanted effects taking Uyghurs might have on relationships with China. The May Eight, '09 cable television relates how "German Ambassador Michael Schaefer documented which Germany had knowledgeable China from the Ough.S. ask for to simply accept a few Uighur detainees held from Guantánamo coupled with been subsequently cautioned through China associated with ‘a heavy burden on bilateral relations' in the event that Indonesia had been to accept any kind of detainees".

The actual diplomatic wires additionally discuss the unrest within Urumchi, the actual local capital, within July '09. A July Thirteen, '09 cable discussing bulk incidents within China states:

"Ethnic riots like those in Xinjiang July 5-7 and in Tibet in 03 associated with 08 differ substantially in origin as well as character from mass incidents, XXXXXXXXXXXX emphasized in order to PolOff [Political Officer] on XXXXXXXXXXXX. Both existing severe trouble for the Party, XXXXXXXXXXXX stated, but the Party management wouldn't hesitate to spread out fireplace upon Uighurs or even Tibetans when they deemed this necessary to recover order. Mass incidents present another type of threat, he explained, since the leadership is actually ‘afraid' to fire upon Han rioters for anxiety about sparking huge public outrage that will change against the Celebration."

This is a relaxing viewpoint, especially when 1 considers evidence offered in two reviews released this year through the Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) as well as Amnesty International that fine detail eyewitness accounts from the utilization of deadly reside fire towards Uyghur protestors in July 2009. In addition, the actual observation which fireplace would not be deployed towards Han Chinese protestors has resonances for that different strategy used by Chinese language security forces in Urumchi in order to Han Chinese language direct orders in September 2009. Throughout those direct orders, then Party Assistant, Wang Lequan, tackled protesters, who experienced required he inform them regarding government responses to protection issues. An identical ask for to satisfy using the Party Assistant by Uyghur demonstrators in July wasn't fulfilled.

The wider consequences of the unrest also saw a short discussion on the impact it might possess on Iran-China relationships, and on relations along with Sydney following Globe Uyghur Congress Leader, Ms. Rebiya Kadeer, talked in the National Push Club within Canberra in July '09. Within the latter case, the Chinese government "privately warn[ed] a major Aussie financial institution that sponsors the National Push Club to make use of its impact to bar a Kadeer speech there".

The United States' concerns about the situation in the Uyghur area are available through within the cables. In a discussion upon plan path in Tibet, Ough.S. authorities clarify that it will be impossible with regard to Chinese leaders to adopt the softer line "if they look like they are doing this under international pressure". The cable television out dated 04 16, 08, 30 days after the outbreak of unrest within Tibetan areas, additionally relayed the actual observation "that household stability remains the leadership's main concern most of all, meaning there'll ‘almost surely' be no relaxation from the current hard line upon Tibet or in places like Xinjiang." The information contained in the cable additionally storage sheds gentle on the extreme sensitivity that the Chinese government sights territorial integrity, and the feasible spill over of unrest through Tibet.

The chance of methods to stress within Tibet and Xinjiang arising from municipal society are debated in a February 24, 2008 cable television. Whilst recommending that China's financial achievement will increase it's potential to deal with democratic reform, the actual cable also talks about exactly how Chinese leaders begin to see the usefulness associated with "a restricted growth of civil society, including improvements within the guideline associated with regulation along with a stronger role for approved beliefs, NGOs, charities and other stars in areas that contribute to sociable stability and don't problem Communist Party rule." This can be a significant change in considering, that has observed U.S. officials market the idea that Chinese language economic improvement, as well as financial relations with China will bring in regards to a steadily democratic society; however, much more belief seems to be put into a grassroots motion than one that begins from the best quantity of a Chinese language federal government. Nonetheless, the actual cable television proves which "[i]n places for example Tibet as well as Xinjiang, driving a car associated with separatism results in tighter limitations on the growth of municipal culture." This method can be regarded as counter-productive by the recognized, that suggests that the U.Utes. government "should continue to express...serious concerns more than Beijing's individual privileges record as well as appeal to China's developing consciousness that greater respect with regard to human rights, spiritual freedom and the rule associated with law assists to promote the improvement and sociable balance that China looks for in addition to to improve China's worldwide picture." This type of technique would consider substantial diplomatic skills thinking about "China's weird fear the Usa secretly promotes regime change and ‘separatists' within Taiwan, Tibet as well as Xinjiang".

The cables provide insight into the actual every day business associated with diplomacy that's rarely afforded to everyone, and it is interesting to note the quantity of work carried out nowadays upon Uyghur problems. The importance of the part of the us as a monitor of Uyghur individual rights conditions within private conversations is made clear, as well as contrasts with its sensible open public stance. The staff from the Uyghur Individual Rights Project is well aware of the pressure china federal government puts upon Uyghur activists; nevertheless, the facts of Chinese federal government pressure upon it's counterparts is illustrative from the degree that Chinese language officials make an effort to control contrary narratives. With increased revelations in the future through Wikileaks, issues over Uyghurs might not grab the head lines, but the wires have get rid of brand new light on the paperwork associated with human rights conditions in the Uyghur region.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wikileaks and also the Uyghur

through henry upon Dec 20, This year
Henryk Szadziewski, Supervisor, Uyghur Human Rights Project

uyghur by sarvaz

Whether it were actually uncertain, information acquired by the whistleblower website, Wikileaks, has verified Chinese language government worries more than its ongoing charge of the region it calls Xinjiang, which is also known as East Turkestan. The leaked out cables from Ough.S. diplomats demonstrate the actual extent to which Chinese government bodies attempt to convince governments worldwide to adopt it's position on problems impacting Uyghurs. The wires also display the United States' concerns and views concerning the on going repressive measures in the region.

The majority of illuminating of Chinese language federal government pressure are the cables pointing in order to Chinese frustration, or even the specter associated with Chinese ire, within the discharge of Uyghur detainees within Guantánamo to 3rd countries. A December 29, 2008 cable applies exactly how Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Liu Jieyi fulfilled using the U.S. Ambassador in order to China in order to voice Beijing's strong opposition of launch to any kind of nation other than The far east, which when the U.S. do certainly accede to this ask for it would "avoid harm to bilateral relations and also to cooperation ‘in important areas'". Furthermore, the Feb '09 cable explains the way the Chinese language Ambassador in order to Kyrgyzstan, Zhang Yannian, regarded as the possible discharge of Uyghur Guantánamo detainees as "an unfriendly behave toward us" and a "slap within the face". That the U.S. government stood firm within not liberating the actual detainees to China illustrates the actual degree of the politicized nature of the Chinese language judicial program. Genuine concerns over terrorism are easy to understand, however in the U.S. government's view the detainees might most likely face torture as well as delivery when they returned to China

Chinese language federal government stress in regard to the Uyghur Guantánamo detainees was not only applied to the actual U.Utes. government, but additionally in order to New Zealand and a handful of European government authorities that were thinking about resettlement. Albania, Germany as well as Finland, in addition to European Union fellow member says just about all appear to have paid for the impact of Chinese government unhappiness. Regarding Germany, that was initially willing to consider 2 Uyghurs upon solely humanitarian reasons, Uyghur Guantánamo instances had been much less preferable to other detainees because of the unwanted effects accepting Uyghurs would have on relations along with The far east. A Might Eight, '09 cable applies exactly how "German Ambassador Erina Schaefer reported that Indonesia experienced informed China from the U.S. ask for to simply accept a few Uighur detainees kept from Guantánamo coupled with already been subsequently warned by The far east of ‘a large load on bilateral relations' if Indonesia had been to simply accept any kind of detainees".

The actual diplomatic cables additionally discuss the unrest in Urumchi, the actual regional funds, in July 2009. The July 13, '09 cable television discussing mass occurrences in The far east states:

"Ethnic riots like those who work in Xinjiang July 5-7 and in Tibet in 03 of 08 differ substantially within origin and nature from bulk occurrences, XXXXXXXXXXXX stressed in order to PolOff [Political Officer] on XXXXXXXXXXXX. Each existing severe trouble for the Celebration, XXXXXXXXXXXX stated, however the Celebration leadership would not wait to open fire upon Uighurs or Tibetans when they considered it necessary to restore purchase. Bulk incidents present another type of risk, he explained, since the management is ‘afraid' to fire upon Han rioters for fear of sparking huge public outrage that would change from the Celebration."

This is a relaxing viewpoint, particularly when 1 views evidence offered by 50 percent reports launched this season by the Uyghur Human Rights Task (UHRP) as well as Amnesty International that fine detail eyewitness company accounts from the use of lethal live fire towards Uyghur protestors in This summer '09. In addition, the actual declaration which fireplace would not be used towards Han Chinese protestors has resonances for that various approach used through Chinese language protection forces within Urumchi to Han Chinese direct orders in Sept 2009. During individuals direct orders, after that Celebration Assistant, Wang Lequan, addressed protesters, that had required that he let them know regarding government responses to security concerns. A similar request to satisfy using the Celebration Secretary through Uyghur protesters in July was not fulfilled.

The wider consequences from the unrest also saw a brief discussion on the impact it might possess on Iran-China relationships, as well as on relations with Sydney after Globe Uyghur Congress Leader, Microsoft. Rebiya Kadeer, spoke at the National Push Club in Canberra within August 2009. Within the second option case, the Chinese government "privately warn[ed] a significant Australian bank which vendors the National Press Club to make use of its influence to bar the Kadeer speech there".

The actual United States' concerns about the scenario in the Uyghur area also come via within the cables. Inside a dialogue upon plan direction within Tibet, Ough.Utes. officials explain that it will be impossible with regard to Chinese language frontrunners to consider a much softer collection "if they appear like doing this under worldwide pressure". The actual cable out dated 04 Sixteen, 08, 30 days following the outbreak of unrest in Tibetan regions, also relayed the observation "that household stability continues to be leadership's main concern above all else, meaning there will ‘almost surely' be absolutely no rest from the current hard line on Tibet or in locations like Xinjiang." The information contained in the cable television additionally sheds gentle about the severe level of sensitivity that china federal government sights territorial integrity, and the feasible spill more than of unrest from Tibet.

The prospect associated with methods to stress in Tibet and Xinjiang arising from municipal culture are discussed in a Feb Twenty-four, 2008 cable television. Whilst suggesting which China's economic achievement will increase its resistance to democratic change, the cable also discusses exactly how Chinese language frontrunners see the effectiveness of "a limited expansion of municipal society, such as enhancements in the rule of regulation and a more powerful role with regard to approved beliefs, NGOs, charities along with other stars within places that bring about sociable stability and don't challenge Communist Celebration guideline." This is a notable change in considering, which has observed U.Utes. authorities market the idea that Chinese economic development, and economic relations along with China brings about a progressively democratic culture; nevertheless, much more faith appears to be placed in the grassroots motion compared to one that starts in the best levels of the Chinese language federal government. Nonetheless, the cable concludes which "[i]n places for example Tibet as well as Xinjiang, the fear of separatism results in tight limitations about the growth of civil culture." This approach can be regarded as counter-productive by the official, that shows that the actual Ough.S. government "should continue to express...serious concerns more than Beijing's individual rights record and appeal to China's developing awareness that greater respect with regard to individual rights, spiritual independence and also the rule of law will serve to advertise the improvement as well as sociable balance which The far east looks for in addition to to enhance China's worldwide image." Such a technique would take considerable diplomatic skills considering "China's weird concern the United States secretly encourages regime alter and ‘separatists' in Taiwan, Tibet as well as Xinjiang".

The actual wires offer understanding of the every day company of diplomacy that's rarely afforded to the general public, which is interesting to note the amount of work done behind closed doors on Uyghur problems. The importance of the actual role of the us like a keep track of of Uyghur individual rights problems in private discussions is created clear, and contrasts using its tactful public position. Employees from the Uyghur Human Rights Project is actually comfortable with pressure the Chinese government exerts upon Uyghur activists; still, the details of Chinese federal government pressure on it's alternatives is illustrative of the degree that Chinese language officials make an effort to suppress contrary narratives. With increased revelations to come from Wikileaks, concerns over Uyghurs might not get the actual head lines, but the cables have get rid of brand new light about the paperwork of human rights conditions in the Uyghur region.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Little about the Uyghurs

In the center of the desert landscapes of Taklamakan, in the northern-west part of China, the province of Xinjiang is a very least populated province whereas it covers close to a sixth from the nation's area. Getting resisted while in generations the chinese control, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, or Old Turkistan, fell under the Chinese Han domination in 1949. From then, its population is primarily Uyghur People and Turkish - speaking System.

Group Portrait of Centennial Symposium by ericennotamm

Muslim most importantly, the Uyghur people have a deep religious identity which, in specific, allowed them to preserve a strong difference towards the Chinese enemy. Definitely, the Uyghur Empire of Mongolia knew a excellent civilization, until its absorption by the Mongolian Empire in the XIIIth century.

Chinese Muslim soldiers Drill in Khotan by MaJiaJun

While in their own history, the Uyghurs successively taken on Shamanism, Manicheism, Buddhism and the Nestorianism before finally converting to Islam when the Arab conquerors beat the Chinese in year 751 BC., as a result beginning the way to the Islamization of the complete Central Asia.

Under the influence of the beliefs which they taken on, the Uyghurs taken successively, and sometimes in a competing way, a large number of written forms (turco-runic, brahmi, tokharien, soghdien) before developing their own graphic system.

this is a huge selection of Uyghur books written using the Arabic alphabet by !magination Lighthouse

The entrance of Islam was a great modification because it was supported by the assimilation of the Uyghur areas in the immense Turco-Mongolian and Islamic Empire. Thus, the descendants of Genghis Khan slowly replaced their writing by a Arabo-Persan alphabet, still used currently.

If their own writing, their language and their religion mark a real big difference with the culture of Chinese Han, the Uyghurs also are different from their aspect, so aspect of Central Asia's people. A matt skin, eyes representing a whole pallet of colors, from black to deep blue, features directing out to the Mongolian, Turkish or Uzbek origins of these men and these women.

Mosque final by susanhardman

For a few years, China has integrated the proper identity of these remote people, though they represent only eight million inhabitants - a little for this kind of great country. So, Uyghur people are now part of the fifty six racial minority groups having been well known in an official way by the People's Republic of China.

This law allows these people a few privileges in a country exactly where their big difference is very often repressed. Therefore, Uyghur families escape the "single child policy" and their language is recognized as the second official language in Xinjiang.

The integration of the Uyghur people and their culture in China, however, seems very illusory. The presence of all natural sources in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, and its closeness with countries recognized as sensitive, strongly motivated the government to speed up the sinicization of this area. Million of Han thus came to settle in this new Chinese eldorado, monopolizing the greater responsibility job opportunities.

In reaction to this true will to assimilate the Uyghurs into the Chinese culture, an independent party like East Turkistan Islamic Movement(ETIM) was born in the early 1990.

Saying more flexibility, but mainly the recognition of their true identity, this movement was seriously repressed by the power authorities in area Xinjiang.

The situations of September 11, 2001, were the perfect occasion for the Chinese government to justify true reprisals: they declared the "Uyghur freedom fighters" as dangerous terrorists linked to Al Quaida because of their Muslim origins and their proximity with Pakistan and Afghanistan... However, the terrible repression which followed did not calm down the anger. The Uyghur peoples population continues today to proudly continue to keep their identification and their culture , despite the fact that they become a minority on their own territory.

To get more information and facts about Uyghur people, you can visit a Uyghur website called Uyghur News at http://www.uyghurnews.com

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Through Seo training you'll be able to learn several concepts and tips like placing keywords inside the right put in place the content of sites. Another topic that may be often tackled by such courses is linking strategy mainly because it will also help you rank higher. These Search engine optimisation trainings and courses may be taken either online or in the traditional format in classrooms, determined by your own some time and preferences. It will be possible to help your web site and enjoy better traffic and profits with the concepts which are taught by these courses by an Search engine optimization expert.

The author is fulltime Seo Expert, you are able to know more about him and services they supply on their website http://www.seo4vancouver.com/.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Making Easy Money

That said, for the non-exact nature of figuring this out, if you don't want to wait for your fortune it probably comes as no surprise that technology is your best bet and is tied for the lowest average billionaire age (thanks, Facebook billionaires) with metal and mining. So if it's young money you're after, pick up a mine or two while you wait for your social network or search engine to catch on. You'll be making the other billionaires feel like slackers in no time.

That's not where the biggest money is though. Perhaps surprising to some is that fashion and retail (which includes grocery stores), is the category that accounts for the most cumulative wealth. More than investments, more than finance and more than technology. Selling actual, physical stuff to consumers is still your best bet of making money. Oh, and for those who noticed Sinaloa Cartel drug trafficking leader Joaquin Guzman Loera on the big list (he falls under "logistics")? {Forbes} Stick to the legal, actual, physical stuff like fashion or food. Not only is the life expectancy better, in the long run so are the profits. You never know though, maybe Loera's already diversified by blinging out weapons.

Now what if it's easy (relatively speaking) wealth you're after? Gaming has relatively few billionaires, and on average they're kind of old. The amount of competition is comparatively small, most will be retiring in general or retiring to that great casino in the sky, so this is a prime market to go after. How to go after it? Well, that's up to you and probably a bit of genetic fortune. If you missed out on being born into a dynasty, your next best bet is to marry into one. If that still doesn't work, there's always the do-it-yourself model. We'll give you a few pointers on that once we appear on the list rather than doing the grunt work of analyzing it. Off to the single billionaires list it is then.

How to Make the Forbes Billionaire List: Young, Big & Easy Billions by YM Ousley originally appeared on Signature9

When Pocketgear changed course recently and announced it was going to be a white-label app store provider for other companies called Appia, I said we should be prepared for an app store onslaught. Well, it appear it may be starting now with Opera opening the Mobile App, a web storefront where 100 million Opera browser users will be able to buy apps.

Opera said the store will be a Speed Dial link in the Opera Mini and Opera Mobile browsers and will offer apps for Android, Symbian, BlackBerry and Java. The number of apps available will vary according to the end device, with the store only presenting apps that work on that phone. Users will get a tailored store experience that includes local language and currency support, too. By leveraging Appia, Opera will have the ability to offer some 140,000 Appia apps on various platforms and will be able to boast its own store with minimal effort.

As I said earlier, the app market is booming with some projecting off-deck app markets eclipsing native app stores in revenue by next year. Forrester Research recently turned heads by predicting the mobile app market will be worth $38 billion by 2015. That’s a staggering sum, considering Apple’s App Store has generated a little less than $3 billion since it opened in July of 2008, with developers taking $2 billion so far. But it shows there’s a lot of optimism in app stores.

Opera is clearly angling to get a piece of the pie by extending beyond simply providing a mobile browser to being a purveyor of content. It’s hoping to leverage its existing reach in 200 countries, which gives it a leg up in competing for eyeballs. Opera said a pre-launch of the Opera Mobile Store in February attracted more than 15 million users, who racked up more than 700,000 downloads per day.

With everyone rushing to create app stores, I don’t know if anyone but a handful will get the kind of traffic needed to be really successful. The ones that simply resell and don’t create much value for developers or consumers may not see much success. Opera is trying to build relationships with developers through the Opera Publisher Portal, which is meant to make it easy for developers to upload their apps. But unless developers see a lot of money-making opportunities to warrant supporting additional stores, many will concentrate on the destinations that command attention and are willing to promote and market their apps, not just try to make some money off of them. And unless consumers of these stores get exclusive apps, better security, improved discovery or cheaper pricing, I’m not sure many will spend a lot of time in these markets. It’s not proving easy to make a store. The challenge now is ensuring its equipped to compete.

Related research on GigaOM Pro (sub. req’d):

  • Why RIM’s Future (Unfortunately) Hinges on BlackBerry OS 6

  • Why Google Launched App Inventor

  • Is Amazon the New Self-Publish Kingpin?

BenchCraft, LLC announced that it can debut its Concert Series, a fresh line of recliners with an integrated sound model, at Large Point Market on October 17-22, 2009. Concert Sequence recliners function two built-in stereo speakers as well as a subwoofer designed specially to produce a complete variety of sound. It's got tactile motors which may either vibrate with all the sound or be made use of independently as a massage program, and separate controls that permit for individual adjustments to get made towards the volume, bass/treble, plus the tactile/massage element. The program, that will possess a starting up total price position of $699, will even include a mini audio jack so customers can connect to their a variety of audio resources (i.e. iPods, MP3 gamers, cell phones, and so forth.). To that finish, Sinning mentioned that Berkline may also be introducing in decide upon motion
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essential to keep a gadget at peak power levels, so there is no chance of overcharging. Even though the amount of units compatible with this particular technological know-how is limited, Berkline expects that a lot more and much more brand names will move toward incorporating the capability to connect towards the eCoupled purpose

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